New release - UI overhaul
Click here to get the latest release. The Quick start guide has been updated to reflect below changes.The user interface got some additions
The WikiTraccs.GUI user interface has been changed.
The settings have been grouped into steps: First configure the source, then configure the target, then test the configuration, and then start the migration.
Some configuration options are gone. You now use a SharePoint list to configure the Confluence spaces to migrate. This list shows basic information about all Confluence spaces and is filled by WikiTraccs.
Note: The idea behind using SharePoint lists for configuration has been described in more detail here: A new approach to configuring WikiTraccs
A big improvement are the progress indicators. You no longer have to rely on the console output of WikiTraccs to see progress. Instead, you get a progress bar for overall page progress and the progress of each migrating Confluence space:

Migration progress
Laying the foundation for user and group mapping, and permission migration
Starting with the current WikiTraccs release 0.0.222, you need to create a SharePoint site dedicated to WikiTraccs. This is the “WikiTraccs site”. You use this site to configure WikiTraccs, like choosing the spaces to migrate. And WikiTraccs uses the site to store metadata about the migration.
This site also holds two SharePoint lists, Confluence User and Group Mapping and Confluence Permission Snapshots. You will notice that those will be filled while migrating.
The current release does not yet support user or group mappings, or permission migration. But a future release might make use of this data.
Fixes and improvements
When migrating pages with large file attachments WikiTraccs could run into timeouts. This has been fixed.
Parallel file downloads have been added. WikiTraccs now loads two attachment files from Confluence at the same time, optimizing for large and small files.
The list of known edge cases in Confluence page content transformation has been expanded.
The retrieval of Jira issue information has been improved for pages with a large amount of linked Jira issues.
This release is a big step and lays the foundation to add two big missing features: user and group mapping, and permission migration. I’m excited for the next releases as they will bring WikiTraccs further to what one would expect from a migration tool.
Give WikiTraccs a try and check out its transformation capabilities!
Start today with WikiTraccs’ free Trial Version:
I’m also eager to get feedback, so get in touch when you try it: Contact.