WikiTraccs 1.20.6 (Prerelease)

New transformation capabilities

  • new: page header template support; here’s how:
    1. create a SharePoint page template with name migration-template.aspx (that is the file name, not the page title; the title of the template page doesn’t matter)
    2. all newly migrated pages will now get the same header as the template page in the same site
    • note: this is a per-site configuration; each site can have their own migration-template.aspx that applies to all pages migrated to the same site; sharing a template across sites is not possible at the moment
  • new: macro placeholder customization using transformation templates
  • new: adding explicit support for language macros from Bitvoodoo’s Translation for Confluence

Lots of small improvements (PART 3)

  • improved: better handling of certain cases of nested sections, columns, and macros
  • improved: support for horribly broken macros in pages; WikiTraccs tries some fixing
  • improved: memory management to better support long-running migrations under low-memory conditions
  • improved: more diagnostic output for rare “Not a GET query” connection issue
  • improved: embed macro transformation now supports diagrams embedded from other pages
  • fix: nested aui tab macros screw with the “handled macro percent” metric
  • fix: “non breaking space” unicode character in page titles breaks attachment links
  • fix: images with links were not immediately clickable, but required a page edit first
  • removed the “Use M365 PnP Client ID” shortcut button as Microsoft retired the PnP Entra ID application on September 9, 2024

Confluence Cloud

  • improved: panel transformation now takes the panel’s emoji and color into account