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Getting Started

This article will guide you to your first Confluence migration with WikiTraccs.

STEP ONE: Download WikiTraccs

Click to open the WikiTraccs download page: DOWNLOAD page.

Download the zip file.

Extract the zip file - it contains two folders WikiTraccs.Console and WikiTraccs.GUI.

In the WikiTraccs.GUI folder run WikiTraccs.GUI.exe.

A blue-ish window opens. We’ll call this just WikiTraccs for the remainder of this page, instead of WikiTraccs.GUI.

Congratulations, you downloaded and started WikiTraccs.

Proceed with the next step.

STEP TWO: Configure WikiTraccs and test connections

The window you opened in the previous step should look like this:

WikiTraccs main view

You will now use this view to configure everything for a first migration.

Select the Confluence base address input field and enter the base address of Confluence. This is the source system whose content will be migrated to SharePoint Online.

Under Confluence authentication type select the authentication type to use. Choose Anonymous to have WikiTraccs access Confluence as anonymous user. Choose Interactive login instead to open a browser window for logging in when starting the migration. Choose Personal Token to use a Personal Access Token (note: available as of WikiTraccs v1.13).

Select the WikiTraccs site input field and enter a SharePoint site address. Now is a good time to create this site.

Select the Try auto-detect from site button to detect the tenant ID. If this doesn’t work enter the tenant ID manually into the Tenant ID input field.

Select the Azure AD Application Client ID input field and enter the ID of the Entra ID application that WikiTraccs should use to access SharePoint.

Under SharePoint authentication type select the authentication type to use. Choose Interactive (MFA supported).

Proceed with the next step.

STEP TWO AND A HALF: Validate the configuration

Validating the Confluence connection settings

Choose the Test Confluence connection button to test the Confluence connection.

With the Anonymous and Interactive Login authentication types, WikiTraccs will open a browser window and automatically navigate to the Confluence base address you entered in step 1. Log in, if you chose Interactive Login as Authentication type in step 1.

Wait for the browser window to close. This is important. It has to close by itself.

A message box in the blue WikiTraccs.GUI window will open and tell whether the test succeeded or not.

Validating the SharePoint connection settings

Choose the Test SharePoint connection button to test the SharePoint connection.

WikiTraccs will show the default Microsoft 365 login experience in any open browser window it finds, or open a new browser window. Select this browser window and log in. A green bar should appear, saying Authentication complete.

Now select the blue WikiTraccs.GUI window again, bringing it back to the front.

A message box will open and tell whether the test succeeded or not.

When both of those tests where successful, select the Prepare WikiTraccs site and update space inventory button. You might have to log in again.

If successful, a message box will open and show you the number of Confluence spaces that were found.

Proceed with the next step.

STEP THREE: Start the migration

First, you need to select the Confluence spaces to migrate.

Choose the Open space inventory to choose source spaces button.

A browser window opens, showing the space inventory SharePoint list. It contains information about all spaces that were found in Confluence. WikiTraccs filled this list when you selected the Prepare WikiTraccs site and update space inventory button in the previous step.

For each element in the space inventory list, choose the RequestTransformation option to include this space in the migration:

Include a Confluence space in the migration.

When you are finished, return to the WikiTraccs window.

Select the Target site input field and enter the address of the target SharePoint site. This site will be the new home for migrated pages. Now is a good point to create this site.

Select the Start transformation button to start the migration.

A new window opens - WikiTraccs.Console - and the migration begins.

Congratulations. Your first migration is running.

Look at the Site Pages library of your target SharePoint site. After a minute or so new pages should appear. Those are the transformed Confluence pages.

1 - WikiTraccs Hotspots

This article covers topics that are often hotspots in a demo or while evaluating WikiTraccs as migration tool.

🔥 How does a Confluence migration to SharePoint look like?

  • Watch a video showing the whole process of migrating from Confluence to SharePoint with WikiTraccs: Getting Started.
  • Get more broader input for your migration process planning and validation: Migration Playbook.

🔥 How to test WikiTraccs? How does purchasing and licensing WikiTraccs work?

  • Test WikiTraccs using the free trial version; learn about the differences to the licensed version of WikiTraccs here: WikiTraccs Trial Version.
  • Everything related to purchasing can be found here: Purchasing.
  • There is more information in the FAQ section of the Pricing page.

🔥 How to get started? How to install WikiTraccs? Prerequisites?

  • The video on this pages covers the download and start of WikiTraccs: Getting Started.
  • Registering the Entra ID application - why we need it and how it can be configured - is covered in this blog post: Registering WikiTraccs as app in Entra ID.
  • Confluence versions 6, 7 and 8 are supported; with Confluence Cloud your mileage might vary (see issue #24)

🔥 What can be migrated by WikiTracs? What do the results look like?

🔥 How to migrate permissions, and metadata like page authors and dates?

🔥 What about delta migrations? How to update migrated pages?

  • WikiTraccs won’t touch SharePoint pages that are already migrated; you can delete SharePoint pages and re-start the migration and WikiTraccs will create them again. (Feature Request)

🔥 How can I stay up-to-date about new releases?

  • You should turn on notifications about new releases on GitHub. You’ll never miss a new release.
  • You can subscribe to the blog RSS feed, although this is more to be up to date in general, independent of specific releases.

🌳 How to replicate most-wanted Confluence functionality?

  • Page Breadcrumb: WikiPakk creates a dynamic breadcrumb for every page
  • Page Tree: WikiPakk offers a page tree in SharePoint that resembles what users know from Confluence

2 - WikiTraccs Trial Version

This article covers the trial version of WikiTraccs and how it’s different from the licensed (full) version.

How can I get a trial version of WikiTraccs?

WikiTraccs is free to test for everybody migrating from Confluence to SharePoint Online.

Choose this button to go to the download page:

Download FREE WikiTraccs now

You explicitly DON’T need a trial license key. There is also NO credit card information required to get started.

How do I get started with the trial version of WikiTraccs?

The quick start guide has you covered:

Quick start guide >>

It has all information you need to get started with your first trial Confluence to SharePoint migration.

How long can I use the trial version of WikiTraccs?

Unlimited testing time - keep testing as long as you need.

Unlimited spaces - nice.

Unlimited pages - you can migrate as many Confluence pages to SharePoint Online as needed to make an informed decision.

Unlimited size - migrate as many GB as you like.

The license is valid for Confluence Server, Confluence Data Center, and Confluence Cloud.

WikiTraccs will be functional when you need it.

What is the difference between the trial version and the licensed (full) version of WikiTraccs?

There are no functional differences between the trial version and licensed version of WikiTraccs.

In trial mode, WikiTraccs inserts a promotional header, sometimes a footer, and replaces some words in the page with “WikiTraccsTestMigration”.

Here’s a sample promo header:

This stops as soon as there is a valid license key, for all newly migrated pages.

How do I convert the trial version to a licensed version?

Two steps:

  1. You purchase a license key via the Pricing page.
  2. You activate the license as documented here: License Activation.

There is no need to install something new. The license activation will convert an existing WikiTraccs trial installation to the full version.

Note: you need to remigrate all pages after licensing WikiTraccs to have it create them without the trial markers. Simply delete the existing SharePoint pages and run the migration again.