Known Confluence Macros

This article is a resource where you can find information about known Confluence macros.

How WikiTraccs handles Confluence macros

WikiTraccs contains transformation rules for a range of Confluence macros. They are transformed on the fly and ideally the macro is replaced by something native to the SharePoint world.

If there is no SharePoint way of replacing a Confluence macro then WikiTraccs tries to find an approximation. But often there is just no equivalent for a Confluence macro. In those cases a text placeholder will be used to mark the spot where the macro has been in Confluence.

List of known macros

The following table shows macros that are explicitly known to WikiTraccs and how they are handled.

MacroSupport LevelMacro Transformation Details
Status💚The macro will be transformed to text with a color that tries to match the original (not so many choices here in SharePoint…).
Noformat💚The “no formatting” content formatting will be mirrored in the SharePoint page.
Code Block💚/🟡Code macros are transformed to SharePoint code web parts which provide comparable functionality. But if the code macro in Confluence is part of a table or any other nested structure then there is no 1:1 representation in SharePoint. The web part in this case will be replaced by a placeholder and the web part inserted at a top level place in the SharePoint page.
SharePoint Online Document (by Communardo)🟡The macro will be replaced by a link to the SharePoint document.
SharePoint Online List (by Communardo)🟡The macro will be replaced by a link to the SharePoint site containing the list; the link text contains the SharePoint list ID.
Profile Picture🟡The profile picture will be transformed like user @-mentions in the page (see section below for details).
User Profile🟡The user profile card will be transformed like user @-mentions in the page (see section below for details).
Enhanced Profile (by Communardo)🟡The user profile card will be transformed like user @-mentions in the page (see section below for details).
Jira Issue Link🟡The Jira macro will be replaced by a link to the Jira issue.
Jira Issue List🟡The Jira issue list will be converted to a static table showing links to Jira issues. If the table had multiple pages, a snapshot of only the first page is migrated to SharePoint. So, for a query that covers 1000 issues only the first 20 or so will be shown. A link to Jira is added to the SharePoint page so you can jump to Jira to see the live issue list.
Spreadsheet (by Elements)🟡The spreadsheet macro will be replaced by a link to the file attachment.
View File🟡The file card will be replaced by a link to the file attachment of the SharePoint page.
Office Powerpoint🟡The file card will be replaced by a link to the file attachment of the SharePoint page.
Office Word🟡The file card will be replaced by a link to the file attachment of the SharePoint page.
Office Excel🟡The file card will be replaced by a link to the file attachment of the SharePoint page.
Microsoft Stream Video🟡The file card will be replaced by a link to the video.
Panel, Info, Note, Warning, Tip🟡The macro will be replaced by a table rebuiding the macros’s structure as far as possible; this can introduce nested tables which will be a challenge for page layout (see section below for details on nested tables).
Expand🟡The expand functionality will be lost and the content remains expanded in the SharePoint page.
Gliffy🟡The Gliffy diagram will be replaced by an image of the diagram (that should be present in Confluence as page attachment); if there is no image a placeholder text will be used instead. (by //Seibert/Media)🟡The diagram will be replaced by an image of the diagram (that should be present in Confluence as page attachment); if there is no image a placeholder text will be used instead.
Widget Connector🟡The macro will be replaced by a link to the content it links to (for example a YouTube video), if there is such a link.
HTML🟡The HTML content from the macro will be transformed to a code web part in SharePoint; so the HTML is transformed to code and especially JavaScript will not be executed in the SharePoint page.
Tabs Container, Tabs Page (by Adaptavist)🟡This macro displays multiple tabs which is a challenge because SharePoint has no tabs. So the tabs are each one transformed to “normal” page content and all tabs are added one after another to the page.
Attachments🟡Note that the actual attachments of Confluence pages are always migrated to SharePoint. The Page Attachments macro is migrated as a static view of the macro at the time of migration. So the SharePoint page will show a static table with attachment links and some metadata.
Brikit Theme Press🟡The Brikit Theme Press is recognized by WikiTraccs. Brikit Theme Press layers will be converted to modern SharePoint page sections. Each SharePoint page section will have a number of columns that corresponds to the number of columns in the Brikit Theme Press layer. SharePoint can only have a maximum of three columns in a section, so WikiTraccs will create additional sections if there are more columns in the Brikit Theme Press layer. The content from Brikit Theme Press blocks will be added to the corresponding SharePoint section columns. Note: available as of WikiTraccs v1.16.0.
Page Tree🟡The Page Tree macro is migrated as a static view of the macro at the time of migration. The SharePoint page will show a static tree of page links.
Table of Contents🟡The Table of Contents macro is migrated as a static view of the macro at the time of migration. The SharePoint page will show a static tree of page links.
MultiExcerpt (by Appfire)
Table Filter (by StiltSoft)⏹️Filter functionality is lost, the table remains.
Single Cite (by Purde Software)⏹️The macro will be replaced by the citation content.
Table Chart⏹️The chart will be replaced by a table of the underlying data.
No Print⏹️The no-print functionality will be lost, the content remains.
Anchor🔻The anchor link will be removed, its text or content remains.
Content by Label🔻
Excerpt Include🔻
Metadata News (by Communardo)🔻
Metadata (by Communardo)🔻
Recently Updated🔻
Profile List (by Communardo)🔻
Include Page🔻
Team Calendar🔻
Jira Chart🔻
Task Report🔻
Content Report Table🔻
Create from Template🔻
Page Properties🔻
Page Properties Report🔻
Page Tree Search🔻
Children Display🔻
Search Results🔻
Create Page🔻
Cite Summary (by Purde Software)🔻
Blog Posts🔻
Display Metadata (by Communardo)🔻
Metadata Overview (by Communardo)🔻
Metadata History (by Communardo)🔻
Content by Metadata (by Communardo)🔻
Other macros🔻/⏹️The macro will be replaced, either by a text placeholder or its body content.

Transformation types:

  • 💚 “nearly 1:1” - there is a SharePoint or HTML equivalent allowing to rebuild the functionality in SharePoint
  • 🟡 “changes in layout or functionality” - transformation with changes to layout or functionality; this is a transformation that is more than just a generic placeholder, but it does not fully meet the original macro functionality
  • ⏹️ “to macro body” - this works for macros that contain “richt text content” which is just normal wiki page content; this transformation type will replace the macro by its rich text content, thus kind of “unboxing” it
  • 🔻 “to placeholder” - transforms to a non-functional placeholder text, showing the macro’s parameters

All macros not explicitly mentioned here are transformed to placeholders, so are either ⏹️ or 🔻. When macros contain rich content then the macro is replaced by its rich content.

Macro Placeholders and Transformation Templates

This article describes how macro placeholders work and how you can modify them with transformation templates.

Last modified September 27, 2024