Info about Scroll Translations

This article provides some background information about the Scroll Translations solution that adds multilingual pages to Confluence.

What is Scroll Translations? How does it make Confluence pages multilingual?

Scroll Translations is a third-party app by K15t that allows to translate Confluence pages to different languages.

Under the hood Scroll Translations creates a macro for every language the page is translated to. Those macros are stored in the page content.

The user can choose which language they want to see in Confluence. Only one language is displayed at a given time.

WikiTraccs can see all languages at once when it migrates a page and can act on them.

How to Activate Scroll Translations for a Space

In case you are wondering how a Confluence space can be made multilingual using Scroll Translations, we briefly look into how it is done.

With the Scroll Translations app installed, the space settings have a new entry Scroll Add-ons:

Clicking that opens the settings where the Translations feature can be activated for the current space:

Upon activation, a default language has to be chosen, here German:

This means that all Confluence pages are by default created in German and can optionally be translated into more languages.

Additional languages can be added as alternatives, here English and Dutch:

Now every page has a language chooser where authors can choose the language the want to edit:

Notes About the Default Language

With Scroll Translations, every Confluence space gets a default language.

Pages are always available in this default language. Additional languages might be available for a page, but translations for those languages can be missing.

Note that SharePoint sites also have a default language. A mismatch between the Confluence space default language and the SharePoint site default language is nothing to worry about, but can lead to empty pages being created in SharePoint.

Pages in the default language must exist. This is true for both Confluence and SharePoint.

Thus, it is recommended to match the default language of a to-be-migrated Confluence space with the default language of the target SharePoint site (at least when performing a space to site migration).

Last modified January 23, 2025