WikiTraccs GUI vs. WikiTraccs Console

This article is a resource where you can find information about the two WikiTraccs flavors.

WikiTraccs consists of two applications: WikiTraccs.GUI and WikiTraccs.Console.

WikiTraccs.GUI is a graphical frontend that can be used to get started quickly without having to learn how to use the configuration file. When chosing to start the transformation WikiTraccs.GUI launches WikiTraccs.Console and passes along the configuration. From then on the work is done solely by WikiTraccs.Console.


A graphical user interface for WikiTraccs.

The initial size of the window might be a bit small depending on the environment you are running WikiTraccs in:

Empty sign-in experience

To make the window larger right-click the console window title bar and select Properties. Increase the size there:

Console window settings

Select OK to confirm the settings.


The WikiTraccs console application doing the heavy lifting of transforming content from Confluence to SharePoint. You can skip using WikiGraccs.GUI and start WikiTraccs.Console directly. The configuration then has to be done via the appsettings.json file as described on the Settings page.

Last modified June 19, 2024