1 - Connectivity Issues

This article covers how to handle connectivity issues.

The required endpoints are documented in the Endpoint reference.

Testing connectivity

The WikiTraccs GUI allows to test the connection to Confluence and to SharePoint. Select the Test Connection buttons to test.

Messages about blocked connections might look like this:

Connectivity note

Connectivity error

How to handle blocked Google Chrome WebDriver endpoints

WikiTraccs needs to show you a Chrome browser window so you can log in to Confluence. To remote control this browser, WikiTraccs needs a WebDriver program which is provided by Google.

WikiTraccs tries to download the matching WebDriver for the version of Chrome it locates automatically (or for the Chrome binary which is configured to be used via the ChromeBinaryPath setting).

If auto-detection or download fails then manual configuration is necessary. Specifically two configuration options must be set:

  • ChromeDriverVersionOverride
  • WebDriverDirPath

Proceed according to the Chrome version that is installed in your environment.

Determining config values for Chrome version 115 and newer

Follow these steps to determine the right values for ChromeDriverVersionOverride and WebDriverDirPath:

  1. Open the Chrome browser
  2. Open Chrome -> (Three Dot Menu) -> Help -> About Google Chrome
  3. Take note of the version (e.g. 118.0.5993.118)
  4. Open https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/latest-patch-versions-per-build-with-downloads.json in a browser; a web page opens, showing a wall of text
  5. On this page, using the search function of the browser, search for the version from the previous step, minus the last part; so in this example the value would be 118.0.5993 (it will be different for you)
  6. This search should yield some results; take note of the version number you see there, in the screenshot below it’s 118.0.5993.70 - this is the value you need to use as value for the ChromeDriverVersionOverride option:
  7. Using this 118.0.5993.70 version we can build the Chrome WebDriver download URL like this: https://edgedl.me.gvt1.com/edgedl/chrome/chrome-for-testing/{version}/win32/chromedriver-win32.zip, so the URL here would be https://edgedl.me.gvt1.com/edgedl/chrome/chrome-for-testing/118.0.5993.70/win32/chromedriver-win32.zip
  8. Open this URL in a new browser tab which will trigger the download of chromedriver-win32.zip
  9. Extract chromedriver-win32.zip and find chromedriver.exe:
    This is the WebDriver.
  10. Take note of the folder path of chromedriver.exe; the path to this folder is the value for WebDriverDirPath, for example C:\Users\user\Downloads\chromedriver-win32\chromedriver-win32

Continue with section How to apply the configuration below.

Getting config values for Chrome older than version 115

Follow these steps to determine the right values for * ChromeDriverVersionOverride and WebDriverDirPath:

  1. Open the Chrome browser
  2. Open Chrome -> (Three Dot Menu) -> Help -> About Google Chrome
  3. Take note of the version (e.g. 86.0.4240.75)
  4. Open https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE_# in a browser, with # replaced by the version from the previous step, minus the last part; so in this example the URL would be https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE_86.0.4240 (it will be different for you)
  5. A web page opens and shows a single number (e.g. 86.0.4240.22) - this is the value you need to use as value for the ChromeDriverVersionOverride option
  6. Now open https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads in a browser and search for the section ChromeDriver # where # is the version from the previous step, which in our case looks like this:

    Find the right ChromeDriver version

  7. Choose the headline which takes you to the download page for this ChromeDriver version:

    Download ChromeDriver for your platform

  8. Download the right zip file for your platform (Windows, Mac or Linux); the zip contains a single file (chromedriver.exe or chromedriver), which is the WebDriver
  9. Extract this single file to a folder; the path to this folder is the value for WebDriverDirPath

Continue with section How to apply the configuration below.

How to apply the configuration

Refer to the Configuration File page on where to put those configuration values.

Now WikiTraccs skips the WebDriver version check and download. This should resolve connectivity issues to those endpoints.

2 - Authentication Issues

This article covers known authentication issues and possible solutions.

2.1 - Confluence Authentication Issues

This article covers known authentication issues in Confluence and possible solutions.

What does a Successful Authentication look like?

To authenticate with Confluence using cookie-based authentication, WikiTraccs opens a browser window to let you log in.

Once you are logged in the browser window should close within about 30 seconds. This is normal behavior, indicating successful authentication.

WikiTraccs shows a success message if all authentication cookies could be retrieved. You can stop reading in this case.

If the browser window stays open for a long time after authenticating with Confluence then WikiTraccs is not able to detect your login, for whatever reason. In this case proceed with the troubleshooting sections below.

General Troubleshooting

First, close any open WikiTraccs window and re-start WikiTraccs. Sometimes this resolves issues with authentication. Also close any browser windows that WikiTraccs opened and that is still open.

If re-starting WikiTraccs doesn’t help check if you need additional or different authentication cookies for Confluence. Those can be configured in the advanced authentication configuration dialog. If you are using SSO solutions like Shibboleth you’ll most likely need additional cookies.

Or maybe the Confluence login timed out. WikiTraccs waits for some time for the authentication cookies to appear before giving up. Try to not take too much time for logging in as this might run into a timeout.


If the steps outlined in the previous section didn’t help then something is not right. WikiTraccs might have encountered a yet unsupported configuration of either Confluence or the system it is running on.

WikiTraccs has built-in ways to troubleshoot this. Try the steps outlined in the following sections.

1. Disable Context Path Check for Cookies

WikiTraccs makes assumptions about how the context path of Confluence and cookie data relates. Let’s disable those assumptions.

In appsettings.json, add the following setting:

    "CustomSettings": {
        "Debug": {
            "SkipConfluenceContextPathCookiePathMatching": true

If appsettings.json does not yet exist, create it and copy above snippet to the file.

If appsettings.json already exists, find the Debug section and add the SkipConfluenceContextPathCookiePathMatching property. Create the Debug section if necessary.

Re-start WikiTraccs and check if authentication now is possible.

If authentication still cannot be detected, proceed with the next section.

2. Provide Cookies manually

WikiTraccs just needs authentication cookie values and does not really care where they come from.

Let’s provide them manually via a text file.

We need to:

  • copy cookies from the browser to cookies.txt
  • copy the user ID to appsettings.json

Open Chrome (or Edge), navigate to Confluence and log in.

Still in the browser, press F12 to open the developer tools, and choose the Application tab.

Under Cookies, select the Confluence domain. A panel on the right side should show cookies.

Check that JSESSIONID is among those cookies. Unless the cookie name has been changed via server configuration. In this case check the configured name.

In the cookie panel, select all rows with the mouse and copy them to the clipboard.

Create a new file cookies.txt in either the WikiTraccs.GUI or WikiTraccs.Console folder (depending on what your are running). Have cookies.txt open in a text editor.

Paste the cookie values from the clipboard to the open text editor and save cookies.txt.

Here’s an animated GIF showing above steps:

Now go back to the browser. The developer tools should still be open.

Choose the Elements tab, expand the HTML head element and search for the ajs-remote-user-key entry:

The ajs-remote-user-key content value.

Put the ajs-remote-user-key content value to appsettings.json like this:

    "CustomSettings": {
        "Debug": {
            "AjsRemoteUserKey": "8a848084865dd3b801865dd4dc420000"

Having both cookies.txt and the appsettings.json configuration in place, restart WikiTraccs and retry starting a migration.

WikiTraccs now checks if cookies.txt exists and uses the cookie values instead of starting an interative browser login session. This should succeed.

Please get in touch if this still doesn’t work.

How to log out of Confluence?

When you log in to Confluence you can choose the Remember me option to stay logged in. This is very convenient during a migration since you are always logged in to Confluence without having to reenter your credentials.

But how to log out?

The solution is to delete the browser profile of the Chrome browser that WikiTraccs uses to log in to Confluence. The browser profile is stored in a temporary location, which by default is the Temp folder for your Windows user:


  • <username> is your Windows user profile name
  • <host-name-of-confluence> resembles the host part of the Confluence base address, like confluence.contoso.com

Delete the whole <host-name-of-confluence> folder and you should be asked to log in again when starting your next migration. This will also recreate the folder.

Cannot find the folder? Have a look here on more information about this temporary folder and where you might find it: File Storage - Temporary Files

2.2 - SharePoint Authentication issues

This article covers known authentication issues and possible solutions.

Empty Microsoft sign-in experience

When starting a transformation a browser window opens for you to sign in to SharePoint Online.

On some systems the browser window might stay empty. This was seen on Windows Server 2012 with Internet Explorer 11. When this happens copy the URL from the address bar, open Chrome, and paste the URL there in the address bar to load the page. Authenticate there.

Alternatively configure the system to show the sign in experience.

Empty sign-in experience

3 - Logging

This article is a resource where you can find information about logging.

See Troubleshooting Strategies for different log files that can be used to troubleshoot issues.

4 - Troubleshooting Strategies

This article covers issues and how to diagnose them.

Confluence migrations to SharePoint, as migrations in general, are rarely without issues.

WikiTraccs has been tested with Confluence instances of different versions and different ages and has been hardened against common issues. Some recurring issues like broken page content (from past migrations) or inaccessible external images are gracefully handled.

But what if something appears broken nevertheless?

This page shows how such issues can be diagnosed and which data WikiTraccs creates to help diagnosing a Confluence to SharePoint migration that appears stuck.

The easiest way for you is to put all information in a zip file and send it via email to contact -at- wikitransformationproject.com. I’ll take a look.

My goal is to identify the issue, replicate it in a test environment and make adjustments so that the issue can never occur again.

WikiTraccs grows with every Confluence migrated, since each one is unique. My goal is to make this as painless for you as possible. You can help me helping you by providing as much information as possible to replicate the issue in a test environment, so I don’t have to bother you with more questions.

Of course you can also look at the log files. If there are connectivity issues, or authentication issues the error messages are usually pretty clear, hinting in the right direction.

Which information is available to diagnose issues?

WikiTraccs logs detailed information about everything that it’s doing.

Here’s an overview of what is available and helpful for diagnosing issues, more details follow further down.

What?Where can I find it?Why does it help?
Common log filesin WikiTraccs.GUI\logs or WikiTraccs.Console\logs (depending on whether you are running WikiTraccs.GUI.exe or WikiTraccs.Console.exe)Contains detailed information about the whole migration process, including warnings and errors
Progress log filesin WikiTraccs.GUI\logs\<date-folder> or WikiTraccs.Console\logs\<date-folder> (depending on whether you are running WikiTraccs.GUI.exe or WikiTraccs.Console.exe)Contains information about migrated and yet-to-be-migrated pages; see Monitoring Confluence to SharePoint Migration Progress for details
SharePoint Site Pages libraryevery target site for the migration contains information about migrated pagesShows detailed information for every page migrated; see Measuring page migration success for details
Confluence page storage formatfor any open Confluence page choose View Storage Format; note that the Confluence Source Editor plugin has to be installed for this option to be present

Shows the page as WikiTraccs sees it; page structure and macros can be seen, analyzed and reproduced through a technical lens
Confluence page IDs and page titles of missing pagesopen the page properties in Confluence for pages that did not migrate to SharePoint and look at the browser address bar - you see the page ID there; and the page title is the page titlethe log files contain any errors that hinder migration and page IDs and titles help finding the right places in the log files

Common log files

Common log files cover information about the whole Confluence to SharePoint migration.

The log file names follow this pattern:

  • <date>-WikiTraccs.Console.log
  • <date>-WikiTraccs.GUI<date>.log

For each application run new log files are created. Here’s a sample logs folder:

The <date>-WikiTraccs.GUI...txt (note the GUI part) log file is created when using WikiTraccs.GUI, for example when testing connections and filling the space inventory. This file is useful to troubleshoot connectivity and authentication issues.

The <date>-WikiTraccs.Console...txt log file is created as soon as a migration starts and WikiTraccs.GUI opens the WikiTraccs.Console console window. Or when using WikiTraccs.Console standalone. This file is useful to troubleshoot issues that happen while migrating.

Progress log files

Progress log files conver the page migration state for all spaces that are part of the migration.

They are in detail covered in Monitoring Confluence to SharePoint Migration Progress.

SharePoint Site Pages library and page metadata

Once pages have been migrated you should scroll through the Site Pages library to see if there is anything of interest.

This is described in detail in Measuring page migration success.

Specific issues and how to diagnose them

We’ll look at real-world issues and how to diagnose them.

Assume the following migration scenario:

  • source environment: Confluence 6 at http://localhost:8090/confluence, one space 7SE has been selected for migration in the space inventory
  • target environment: SharePoint Online site https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/arc42-template
  • the migration is done via WikiTraccs.GUI

The migration is finished when the console window looks like this:

There is nothing left to migrate, the console window can be closed by pressing Ctrl+C.

Issue: Some pages are not migrated from Confluence to SharePoint

The progress log files should tell us more.

But first we look at a successful migration result, to establish a baseline.

Case 1: A successful migration of all pages

There should be 4 log files after successfully migrating one Confluence space:

Of the four files, the first two were created before starting the migration. The last two files were created after having finished the migration.

Here’s the content of the […]aggregated-info.txt file that was created before migrating the Confluence space to SharePoint:

Source Confluence Site: http://localhost:8090/confluence/
Target SharePoint Site: https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/arc42-template
Space Key: 7SE
Blog posts included in migration and calculation: no
Confluence page count for space space 7SE: 32
Migrated SharePoint pages that correspond to found Confluence pages in space 7SE: 0
Migrated SharePoint pages overall for space 7SE: 0
Pages yet to be migrated for space 7SE: 32

This shows that WikiTraccs was able to retrieve information about 32 pages in this space and all have yet to be migrated.

Here’s the content of the second […]aggregated-info.txt file that was created after migrating the Confluence space to SharePoint:

Source Confluence Site: http://localhost:8090/confluence/
Target SharePoint Site: https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/arc42-template
Space Key: 7SE
Blog posts included in migration and calculation: no
Confluence page count for space space 7SE: 32
Migrated SharePoint pages that correspond to found Confluence pages in space 7SE: 32
Migrated SharePoint pages overall for space 7SE: 32
Pages yet to be migrated for space 7SE: 0

This time there are 32 migrated pages and there are none left to be migrated.

Success. Now we make it more complicated.

Case 2: Pages appear missing

Pages can appear missing when the migration account is not permitted to view all pages.

Here’s an example where a parent page of two child pages has been view-restricted to only the admin account:

Now, when using another Confluence account as migration account, this account won’t see those three pages.

Thus (after deleting all previously created SharePoint pages and starting a new migration) the […]aggregated-info.txt file looks like this:

Source Confluence Site: http://localhost:8090/confluence/
Target SharePoint Site: https://heinrichulbricht.sharepoint.com/sites/arc42-template
Space Key: 7SE
Blog posts included in migration and calculation: no
Confluence page count for space space 7SE: 29
Migrated SharePoint pages that correspond to found Confluence pages in space 7SE: 0
Migrated SharePoint pages overall for space 7SE: 0
Pages yet to be migrated for space 7SE: 29

Only 29 pages are reported for the space that has in fact 32 pages. But 3 of those cannot be seen by the migration account.

The solution in this case is simple: use a migration account that can access all pages that should be migrated.

Case 3: Pages are missing, even after checking permissions

This could be anything, but it should be visible in the log files.

Please send me the log files and page IDs and ideally page titles of pages you’d expect to migrate from Confluence to SharePoint. This information should help to locate any errors related to those pages in the log files.

Please send information via email to contact -at- wikitransformationproject.com.

Issue: The progress bar in WikiTraccs.GUI is stuck

This is caused by pages that have been migrated before and have been updated in Confluence since. It should only happen when migrating the same space at least twice.

The pages that need to be updated can be seen in the progress log files.

The “update mode” feature request is tracked here: Add update mode for already migrated pages.

Technically everything is correct. You need to delete the SharePoint files you want to update, before starting another migration to have them created again.

Issue: The migrated Confluence page doesn’t look good in SharePoint (visual check)

The layout is off? Content is missing? Macros are missing?

There are probably thousands of special cases that can affect the Confluence page migration to SharePoint, hundreds of which are already handled by WikiTraccs.

If there is something wrong with the resulting page please use the options under Contact to get in touch.

Please provide the following for your request to be properly handled:

  • Confluence version
  • a screenshot of the source Confluence page
  • a screenshot of the SharePoint page, with the unexpected parts highlighted
  • the storage format of the source Confluence page - see Get the Confluence Storage Format for instructions on how to get that
  • the page ID and title of the source Confluence page
  • SharePoint page metadata for the affected page, like WT: Text Transferred Percent, WT: Failed Transformations and (most important) WT: Transformation Log (a screenshot is fine, see next section for a sample)

Please report issues via email to contact -at- wikitransformationproject.com.

Issue: The SharePoint page metadata shows Transformation Errors and/or a Text Transferred value that is not equal to 100%

WikiTraccs tracks its migration success per page. It has hundreds of transformation rules built-in.

If WikiTraccs discoveres a new layout or macro it cannot handle, it’ll raise a flag by counting the Transformation Errors or potentially missing text.

Here’s a sample screenshot of such an issue, where certain XML tags caused problems, leading to text being skipped:

To diagnose those issues the same information as in the previous section Issue: The migrated Confluence page doesn’t look good in SharePoint is needed. The most important part is the storage format because this hopefully allows to replicate and isolate the issue in a test environment.

Please report issues via email to contact -at- wikitransformationproject.com.

4.1 - Get the Confluence Storage Format

This article covers how to get the storage format of a Confluence page.

The Confluence Storage Format is the technical under-the-hood view of a Confluence page. It’s what WikiTraccs “sees” and transforms when performing the Confluence to SharePoint migration.

How to view the storage format for a Confluence page? See your options below.

Option 1: View storage format in browser (using an app)

This is the most convenient option.

Here’s the Atlassian documentation on how to view the storage format: How to retrieve Confluence Storage Format

It boils down to this:

Open a page, choose the three-dot-menu, and choose "View Storage Format".

A new browser window will open, showing the storage format.

Option 2: Configure WikiTraccs.GUI to save the storage format to disk

WikiTraccs knows the storage format of each page it migrates from Confluence to SharePoint.

The storage format by default is only kept in memory and not persisted to a file.

Here’s how to tell WikiTraccs to store the storage format of every page to a file:

Variant 1: Enable via config file in WikiTraccs.GUI

In WikiTraccs.GUI, go to Settings -> Configure Transformation -> Migration and select the Save page storage XML to disk option.

Variant 2: Enable via config file appsettings.json

  1. Open the WikiTraccs.GUI folder (this is the folder where WikiTraccs.GUI.exe is stored as well)
  2. Create an empty file appsettings.json inside the WikiTraccs.GUI folder
  3. Open the appsettings.json file in a text editor and put the following text in there:
        "CustomSettings": {
            "Debug": {
                "SaveTransformationInputToDisk": true
  4. Save appsettings.json
  5. If WikiTraccs.GUI is open: close it and any other (console) windows it opened
  6. Open WikiTraccs.GUI and start a migration

Where can I find the exported storage format XML?

After following instructions of one of above variants, WikiTraccs now stores the storage format for every newly migrated page in a file, in the attachment registry.

The attachment registry is a folder where attachments from Confluence are downloaded to, while migrating. You can find it in the AppData folder of your local user account.

The attachment registry path for a Confluence page looks like C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\WikiTraccs\<confluenceuserkey>\<confluencebaseurl>\Attachments\<pageid>.

Here’s an example screenshot:

Attachment registry path for Confluence page 118587415.

The storage format for a page is stored in a file that is named like xhtml_before-<spacekey>-<pageid>.xml.

Now you can access the storage format for every page that is part of your Confluence to SharePoint migration.

Option 3: Use the REST API to view the storage format

You can also use the Confluence REST API to view the storage format of a single page in the browser.

You need two pieces of information to do that:

  1. your Confluence base address (examples: https://confluence.contoso.com, https://www.contoso.com/confluence)
  2. the page ID of the page to get the storage format for (example: 123212321)

Using above information you now build the REST API address using this pattern:

  • CONFLUENCEBASEADDRESS/rest/api/content/REPLACEWITHPAGEID?expand=body.storage,version,container,history,history.lastUpdated,contributors,restrictions,permissions,ancestors&status=current

So, using the Confluence base address https://confluence.contoso.com and page ID 123212321 the address would look like this:

Paste this whole address into the address bar of a browser where you are already logged in to Confluence. This should show textual information about the page (in JSON format). It should contain the text "body":{"storage":{"value":".

When sending information to support, please provide the whole content shown by the browser.

4.2 - Get the SharePoint Storage Format

This article covers how to get the storage format of a SharePoint page.

The SharePoint Storage Format is the technical under-the-hood view of a SharePoint page. It’s what WikiTraccs creates when performing the Confluence to SharePoint migration.

Use the REST API to view the storage format

You can use the SharePoint REST API to view the storage format of a single page in the browser.

You need the following information to do that:

  1. your SharePoint site address (example: https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/it-support)
  2. the item ID of the page to get the storage format for (example: 33) (Note: you get that item ID from the Site Pages library; find your page there and add the ID column to the current view, if necessary; the number shown there is the item ID)
  3. the title of the Site Pages library, in the site’s default language (examples: Site Pages (for English, note the space!), Websiteseiten (for German))

Using above information you now build the REST API address using this pattern:


So, using example data from above the address would look like this:

  • https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/it-support/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('Site Pages')/items(33)

Paste this whole address into the address bar of your browser where you are already logged in to SharePoint Online. This should show textual information about the page (in XML format). It should contain the text <d:CanvasContent1>.

When sending information to support, please provide the whole content shown by the browser.

5 - Troubleshooting FAQ

This article is a resource where you can find information about puzzling situations and possible causes.

Why is there no visible progress?


You started the transformation, the console window of WikiTraccs is open and shows some log messages.

But then nothing happens anymore. No log messages appear in the console window, it just sits there.

Possible explanations

Maybe you did not select any spaces to migrate. Use the space inventory to select spaces. The console window will also contain hints like got no spaces to handle.

Another reason might be that during migration WikiTraccs got throttled by Microsoft 365. This can cause wait times of several minutes. Look for log messages indicating that throttling is happening.

6 - Support Options

This article covers how to report issues and how support works.

What level of service can I expect?

The Wiki Transformation Project provides unrestricted break-fix support for all its offerings. Reported issues will be analyzed and addressed by either implementing fixes or proposing workarounds to minimize disruptions.

Support is best-effort based. Usually, you can expect a response within 24 hours on working days.

After identifying an issue with WikiTraccs, a fix will usually be provided within a couple of days. It might take less time, or more, depending on the complexity of the issue and whether it is possible to recreate the issue in a test environment.

If anything is affecting response times (company holidays, pandemics, …) it will be communicated via a pinned announcement in the respective GitHub issue list.

How to report an issue?

For non-confidential issues, use GitHub. Each GitHub repository provides a public issue tracker where all clients can chime in on issues and benefit from known resolutions. Find the link on the Contact page.

When reporting issues with confidential information, or sending log files, use the support email: [email protected].

Sharing larger files will be done via SharePoint Online. Support will provide you with a sharing link to a folder, where files can safely be stored.

Data location for both Exchange Online and SharePoint Online is Germany.

From which timezone will support be provided?

Support will be provided from Germany, and the timezone will either be CET (Central European Time, UTC+1) or CEST (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2) depending on the season.

Can we have a call?

I try to keep the communication asynchronous. This approach accommodates various time zones and busy schedules, ensuring efficient and flexible communication for all parties involved.

The usual process for issue resolution is as follows:

  1. You raise an issue via one of the aforementioned channels (GitHub, email).
  2. I’ll get back to you with questions, first ideas, links to the documentation, and will often ask for log files; either on the GitHub issue or via email.
  3. You test and get back to me with more information.
  4. <Steps 2 and 3 are repeated as necessary>
  5. The issue is resolved.

But if it becomes clear that we are progressing towards an unproductive back and forth, I’ll propose having a screensharing session to analyze the issue. A Microsoft Teams meeting link will be provided.

Is Microsoft Teams chat available as support channel?

No, please get in touch via [email protected].

How about general inquiries?

When you have general inquiries about using the tools for specific use cases, please get in touch. I’m interested in learning about your challenges and how each tool can be enhanced to better support you.

You can use the community options linked on the Contact page, or via the support email address. Please allow for a slightly longer response time for general inquiries as those will be processed two times a week.

7 - Error Messages

This article is a resource where you can find information about error messages.

“Error while launching browser for login”


  • “Error while launching browser for login: One or more errors occurred. (Google Chrome not found in registry)”

Interaction leading to this error:

  • selecting the Test connection button to test the connection to Confluence


  1. Google Chrome is not installed
  2. Google Chrome is installed, but its executable could not be found at usual places


  1. Install Google Chrome
  2. Use the ChromeBinaryPath setting to manually configure the path to Chrome’s executable

8 - Common Errors in Log Files

This article collects commonly observed errors and provides guidance on how to interpret them.

The following error messages might pop up in log files. Many errors are of temporary nature, for example many connection-related errors. WikiTraccs has retries built-in that can recover automatically.

The following markers are placed above the error samples:

  • “Recoverable” - this error can be recovered from
  • “Automatic” - WikiTraccs will take care of this, the error should go away automatically

[024 01:56:59 ERR MIG 123456789 sitename] [PnP.Framework] ExecuteQuery threw following exception: System.Net.WebException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
 ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
 ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: Connection reset by peer.
 ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (104): Connection reset by peer
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.ThrowException(SocketError error, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource<System.Int32>.GetResult(Int16 token)
   at System.Net.Security.SslStream.<FillHandshakeBufferAsync>g__InternalFillHandshakeBufferAsync|189_0[TIOAdapter](TIOAdapter adap, ValueTask`1 task, Int32 minSize)
   at System.Net.Security.SslStream.ReceiveBlobAsync[TIOAdapter](TIOAdapter adapter)
   at System.Net.Security.SslStream.ForceAuthenticationAsync[TIOAdapter](TIOAdapter adapter, Boolean receiveFirst, Byte[] reAuthenticationData, Boolean isApm)
   at System.Net.Http.ConnectHelper.EstablishSslConnectionAsync(SslClientAuthenticationOptions sslOptions, HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

[004 02:10:12 WRN MIG 123456789 sitename] [https://contoso.atlassian.net/wiki] Got an error while provisioning pages and attachments: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'clientObject') (this is try 1 of 4) | WikiTraccs.Console.Registries.ConfluenceContentRegistry
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'clientObject')
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientRuntimeContext.Load[T](T clientObject, Expression`1[] retrievals)
   at PnP.Framework.Provisioning.ObjectHandlers.ObjectFiles.CheckOutIfNeeded(Web web, File targetFile, Expression`1[] additionalRetrievals) in ...

To be continued.