WikiPakk License Key Lookup and Refresh Flow
This articles shows how WikiPakk searches for and refreshes its license key.
Licensing WikiPakk follows this pattern:
Above steps are covered in more detail in the sections below.
Purchase a license via the Pricing page.
The license key is displayed in the browser after purchasing and is sent via email as well.
The license key looks like this:
-----BEGIN V2 LICENSE-----
-----END V2 LICENSE-----
You store the WikiPakk license key in SharePoint. It is kept fresh by WikiPakk (more on that in section “How are license keys refreshed”).
After receiving the license key you have three options where to store it in SharePoint. Choose one:
Note: Option 2 and 3 are available as of WikiPakk v2.3.0 (released in June 2023).
Ideally you choose one option, although you can combine them.
WikiPakk searches for a license key in the exact order of above list. First in the local site, then it looks in a site you may have dedicated, then it looks in the WikiPakkConfiguration site, if that exists.
WikiPakk uses the first license key it finds.
In any of those sites, you store the license key in the Description field of the Site Pages document library. This is a quick and easy place to store the license key at, and it is always present.
The next section describes in detail how to store the license key.
The following instructions apply to any of the sites you might decide to store the license key in. This means, you follow those steps either in
As owner of such site, do the following to store the license:
WikiPakk should recognize first-time license keys pretty fast, and manually updated keys within 24h.
Above steps are also covered in this video:
If no license key can be found, or the license key has expired, a red warning is shown above the page tree, stating that no valid license key could be found.
The license key is bound to a flexible subscription that can be cancelled on a monthly or yearly basis, depending on the subscription type you chose.
Let’s assume a monthly subscription.
The license key is valid for one month and needs to be refreshed after roughly one month.
WikiPakk takes care of refreshing the license key. When the expiration date is near it will ask a licensing server to exchange the old license key with a new one. The licensing server checks that the subscription is still valid and if it is, returns a refreshed license key that is valid for another month.
You might want to manually refresh the license key in case you won’t allow WikiPakk to contact the licensing server.
Here’s a PowerShell that asks for a refreshed license:
$licenseKey = "-----BEGIN V2 LICENSE-----
-----END V2 LICENSE-----"
$subscriptionId = "ucpD<snip>YpQMw"
$body = @{ LicenseKey = $licenseKey} | ConvertTo-Json
$result = $null
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$subscriptionId" -Body $body -ContentType "application/json"
If you don’t have the subscription ID handy, open and paste the license key part between —–BEGIN V2 LICENSE—– and —–END V2 LICENSE—– into the input field.
The decoded license key should now show the subscription ID as subscription:
Decoded WikiPakk license
Here is how you dedicate a SharePoint site of your choosing to store the WikiPakk license key.
You point WikiPakk to the dedicated SharePoint site via a SharePoint storage entity (a.k.a tenant property).
One option to set a storage entity is via PnP PowerShell.
You need:
Here’s a script that will connect to SharePoint and set the storage entity used by WikiPakk:
Connect-PnPOnline `
-Url `
-Interactive # ^ use any other site if you don't have access to the root site
Set-PnPStorageEntity `
-Key "wikipakk.licensesiteurl" `
-Value "" `
-Description "WikiPakk configuration, where to find the current license key" `
-Scope Tenant
# Get-PnPStorageEntity # <- use this to list all configured storage entities
Above script instructs WikiPakk to look for the license key in site
This articles shows how WikiPakk searches for and refreshes its license key.