WikiPakk Trial Version
How can I get a trial version of WikiPakk?
WikiPakk is free to test for everybody in their SharePoint Online tenant.
Install WikiPakk from Microsoft AppSource and start testing. Refer to the WikiPakk installation instructions on how to do that.
You explicitly DON’T need a trial license key. There is also NO credit card information required to get started.
How do I get started with the trial version of WikiPakk?
The quick start guide has you covered: Quick Start.
How long can I use the trial version of WikiPakk?
Unlimited testing time - keep testing as long as you need.
WikiPakk will be functional when you need it.
What is the difference between the trial version and the licensed (full) version of WikiPakk?
There are no functional differences between the trial version and licensed version of WikiPakk.
In trial mode, WikiPakk shows a red warning about the missing license. WikiPakk might also (rarely) insert a promotional header into pages.
This stops as soon as there is a valid license key.
How do I convert the trial version to a licensed version?
Two steps:
- You purchase a license key via the WikiPakk Pricing page.
- You activate the license as documented here: Where to store the license key.
There is no need to install something new. The license activation will convert an existing WikiPakk trial installation to the full version.